Steam Boilers

  • Water Tank

    Water Tank

    This tank is for use with our boiler feed pump and our BLR-1 or BLR-2. 3-1/8"  OD x 4"  high copper tank with copper tank end. Kit includes one cast aluminum base, tank, tank end, and one 1/4-40 threaded bushing for outlet. Extra end available for...

    $10.00 - $69.00
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  • Boiler Feed Pump

    Boiler Feed Pump

    A small hand-operated, piston-type hydraulic pump used to replenish boiler water while boiler is in use and under pressure. Also used to hydrostatically test your boiler and other hydraulic applications. These pumps have been known to produce up to 400...

    $54.00 - $69.00
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  • Steam Boiler Kit #2

    Steam Boiler Kit #2

    WORKING REPLICA HORIZONTAL STATIONARY TUBULAR TYPE FACTORY STYLE STEAM BOILER KIT This steam boiler kit is offered in 1/12 scale to go with our machine shop tools. The boiler is constructed of copper and the firebox is steel with 10 aluminum castings...

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  • Steam Boiler Kit #1

    Steam Boiler Kit #1

    WORKING REPLICA VERTICAL13 FLUE STEAM BOILER KIT This model steam boiler kit will easily run one of our well constructed #2, #3 and/or #5 steam engines for light-duty use and demonstration purposes. Popular around the turn of the century because of their...

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